
Art of cooking with mind

Kushikatsu is deep fried in special blended oil. We want to call this an art since we carefully select ingredients and deep fry them in gold color. Kushikatsu was food for common people in Osaka but now it is developed as such a sophisticated food.
Why did it happen?
That is because we all work hard and aim for the best.
Our spirit is to the best, we all aim for the best to the work and as the individual. The satisfaction you feel that you grow in the everyday life is something superior to anything else. It is natural that we treat customers and our food with respect.
Fresh, crispy and hot deep fried Kushikatsu is like expressing our feeling that we work hard and aim for the best.

No. 1 company employees enjoy the work

【Recruiting Date】

Location Shinsaibashi, Kitashinchi, Ginza, Kobe
Job opportunities Cook, Floor service
Recruiting process Interview
First year salary 240,000 〜600,000 yen per month (Preferential treatment depending on experience)
Bonus performance based pay
give a raise once a year
Work hours 11:30 – 23:30 (shift rotation system)
Day offs 8 days off a month
Benefits social insurance, commuting allowance, some allowances, training system (for new hires and for managers)

【Job Offer for part-timers】

Work hours 18:00-22:00 (negotiable)
Hourly wage 1300 yen or above (negotiable)

Employee training

The good atmosphere is made by the people who work there. 
We work hard for people development.
We make good programs to fully maximize everybody’s performance.
Not only new hire training and managers training are offered but also we support people so they can have clear destination in daily work.


Address Sakaisuji Doutonbori Green corporus #1101 2-15-16 shimanouchi-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka city
Please contact Sato
Tel 06-6211-9436
※ If you are interested, please contact or apply or ask questions via email
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