
Mogami style Kushiage

There are 36 skewers of ‘Kushiage’.We serve you one by one as a course menu.We preserve our traditional style since when we opened the first restaurant in Osaka but also challenge new style which suits to the modern world.And we work hard to serve you the best skewers to satisfy all the customers.We carefully select fresh ingredients and mix the ingredients on a stick so that customers can enjoy and sometimes can be surprised with the harmony of different tastes.
Please enjoy our style of best skewers ‘Kushiage’.

  • Our restaurants serve you the fixed course menu.
    Ordering with your choice is limited to only children aged under 12 years old.Or you can request some more skewers after you finish our course menu.
  • We are afraid that your order has to be over 10 skewers.
    For example, 10 skewers is about 180g-200gram, it is about the same volume of 1 bowl of rice.


※If you would like to bring your own wine, 4000yen per one bottle will be charged.

Copyright 2017 MOGAMI. all right reserved.